Mark T Fallingstar Custalow
Mark T. Falling Star Custalow is the Chief of the Mattaponi Indian Tribe and Reservation in King William County Virginia. One of the oldest reservations in the United States.
Chief Custalow grew up on the reservation where he continues to live. Through the years he was taught the traditional ways of his ancestors. While fulfilling his role and obligation to his people as Chief of the Mattaponi Tribe. Chief Custalow also works out on the commonwealth as Director of Operations at ABM services with 30 plus years’ experience in this line of business.
Chief Custalow was elected Chief of the Mattaponi Indian Tribe in 2012 to present. Chief is very active in the commonwealth and with community Government Officials, the Council of Virginia Indians; along with being a part of many organizations and establishments across Virginia and the United States. He facilitates all tribal meetings held at the tribal center on the reservation, which is governed by the bylaws set in place over 100 years ago by the Mattaponi tribal council members. Chief Custalow is well versed in drumming and singing native American songs. And has been a guest speaker at social and educational events such as: Schools, Boy Scouts of America, Daughters of the American Revolution, Churches, Governors annual tribute, and Powwows across the state of Virginia. Over the years, Chief Custalow has been presented with multiple awards and gifts. He has been recognized as a leader not only by his people, but by other Native Americans across the United States, along with local and state organizations. He leads his tribe by being the voice for his people, supporting education, revitalization of Algonquin language, and by teaching the Mattaponi culture and history of the past, present, and future. Over the years, Chief Custalow has been instrumental in support of acquiring Federal Recognition for the Mattaponi Tribe and Mattaponi citizens.
Chief Mark T. Falling Star Custalow comes from a long line of prominent Mattaponi Indian Chiefs. His great grandfather was Chief George F. Thundercloud Custalow who was born in 1865 and became Chief until his passing in 1949. Chief’ grandfather was Chief Otha T. Hos-ki-no-wa-na-ha Custalow who was born in 1898 and served as Assistant Chief and Chief of Mattaponi until his passing in 1969. Chief Mark’ father was the Assistant Chief Jacob V. Thundercloud Custalow Sr. of the Mattaponi Nation until his passing in 1982. Chief Mark held the tribal position as Assistant Chief and over the past 10 years has been the active Chief of the Mattaponi Indian Tribe and Reservation. Chief Mark T. Custalow continues to be an ambassador for the Mattaponi Indian Tribe and continues to carry on the promise of the Treaty signed by his Mattaponi ancestors in 1646. By paying an annual tribute to Governors of the Commonwealth of Virginia, which continues to this day.