Summary: The Housing Director is a full-time (1 FTE) position dedicated to the Mattaponi Housing Rehabilitation Project. This grant-funded position is responsible for the successful implementation of the Mattaponi Indian Tribe’s Indian Community Development Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The position entails management of the grant and implementation of the programmatic activities required to meet all grant objectives.
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Assistant Housing Director
Summary: The Assistant Housing Director is a full-time (1 FTE) position dedicated to the Mattaponi Housing Rehabilitation Project. This grant-funded position is responsible for the successful implementation the Mattaponi Indian Tribe’s Indian Community Development Block Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The position entails supporting the Housing Director with management of the grant and execution of the programmatic activities required to meet all grant objectives.
Job Responsibilities:
- Engage the community in the project and aid in preparing home rehabilitation applications;
- Verify eligibility in accordance with tribal housing rehabilitation policies and procedures;
- Coordinate and document housing inspections;
- Coordinate with rehabilitation contractors and project participants;
- Organize and oversee Housing Office records and files; and
- Other duties as assigned.
Position Requirements: